Our Mission
​Since we believe God has called us to work together, we desire to seek God to understand what He is asking us to accomplish in partnering together to see Sindhis become followers of Christ and fruitful reproducing members of His church.
Who we are
While most Sindhis today live in the Sindh, you can find Sindhis in major cities around the world. Amongst them is a growing community who follow Jesus.
The International Sindhi Partnership consists of Sindhis and non-Sindhis from around the world who follow Jesus and are concerned for Sindhis to have the opportunity to hear and respond to the message of Jesus.
The Partnership has a Facilitating Team that coordinates the International events, as well as encouraging national and regional partnerships in Australasia, India, Middle-East & Africa, Pakistan, South East Asia and The Americas. Everything we do is done voluntarily; we have no paid staff.
Working in Partnership
A partnership is group who work together for a common goal bringing their individual skills, talents, ideas, and resources to accomplish something bigger and better than they could achieve on their own.
Working in partnership is inherent in God’s nature, and the way God operates. It provides diversity and resilience, and hence a better result. Jesus prayed that we’d be united, and it’s important for sustainable and authentic growth.
Partnerships are found everywhere: marriages, teams and companies. Even dining out involves partnership. Many play their part, from the farmer to the chef to the waiter to the consumer. Then there are those who set up the restaurant, decorated the room, supply the power and so on.
The International Sindhi Partnership runs in-person gatherings every few years that help us work together in a variety of ways. We also connect online in various ways, bringing people together and motivating them to share resources, support one another and thereby unite. This strengthens our cohesion as we follow Christ in partnership from across the world.
Online events include live YouTube broadcasts and Zoom prayer events that bring us together to interact, share music and culture, pool resources, and pray for our world. There is also a Marriage Bureau to help Sindhis who follow Jesus find marriage partners from a Sindhi background that also have a faith in Christ.