Where do you see yourself in the diagram?
Where would you like to be?
Try the prayer below to receive God’s forgiveness and
have a fresh start in your life.
In our world, Brokenness is all around – just watch the news or read a newspaper. Technology advances faster than ever before, but the global climate is also being destroyed faster than ever; countries continue to go to war; poverty around the world continues; and many of us individually face issues such as anxiety, loneliness, questions of identity or lack of meaningful purpose.
God’s heart is for there to be harmony between us in our world, and personal satisfaction in what we do. A life and society filled with love, peace, hope and joy. But we chose to reject God’s involvement in our world, and the consequences are all around us. Many try to deal with brokenness by distraction, but this still leaves the brokenness. We can focus on our work or relationships, or helping others, but this can complicate the situation. We can try religion – it gives us a framework to be good but doesn’t change our heart.
But God has provided a doorway out. Jesus came and lived with us. He didn’t reject God’s direction, even though it cost him his life. When he died, God took his death as a sacrifice and payment for the things that you and I have done wrong. And his return to life after dying showed that God does forgive and will restore those who trust in him.If we turn and believe, relying on Jesus’s sacrifice for ourselves, we can be restored and forgiven – forgiven by God, and restored into a relationship with God. As we follow Jesus, we find God’s plan for our lives. Where do you see yourself on this journey? Where would you like to be?
The prayer below is a way to have a new start.
Almighty God, I want areas of life to change - I am in brokenness. Today, I turn from my rejection of you, and choose to rely on your help. Thank you that Jesus’ death pays for what I’ve done wrong. Please restore the relationship between me and you. Thank you that Jesus coming back to life again demonstrates that you can do something I can’t do and bring me out of brokenness. Jesus, I am willing to follow you. I want to find God’s restoration and purpose for my life. Please give me a fresh start today.